This is the first post of my blog. Hope to be useful! Here, we are discussing about adding Jscript to forms and fields.
To add script to a form follow these steps:
1- On the form, click on "Form Properties".
2- In the "Events" tab, add a new library.
3- Create a new library, and type a name and select the type as "Script". After you have saved, you can enter the script in "Text editor". At the end of this article you will find some examples.
4- At the last step, you have to add the handlers. In Dynamics CRM 2011, the forms have two type: "On load", "On save". Here, you should fill the library name and function. The function name is the same as in the script.
To add script to a filed follow these steps:1- On the form, double click on the field.
2- Find the events tab.
3- Add required libraries for the field.
4- The fields in Dynamics CRM 2011 only has one type of handler: "On change".
After you have added and published the changes, the scripts should work! Of course, if it is true!
Some useful examples for CRM 2011:
1- Retrieving the value of a field:
Xrm.Page.getAttribute("schema name").getValue()
2- Setting value for the variables:
Xrm.Page.getAttribute("schema name").setValue()
3- Disabling a field:
Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get("schema name").setDisabled(true)
4- Disabling the options of an option set:
Xrm.Page.getControl("schema name").removeOption(option value)
5- Hiding a ribbon button:
var x=top.document.getElementById("entity name|NoRelationship|Form|button name");
6- Hiding a filed on the form:
Xrm.Page.getAttribute("schema name").setVisible(false)